MONKEYS WAX is an album by beyond perfect nagomu signed マサ子さん. マサ子さん were a really weird, really cute, really spastic pop band that had a super cutesy little girl stage persona, and they all were just too impossibly cute for words to accurately describe. the music is completely silly and completely absorbing in its higher levels of complexity. the really long tracks here are perhaps completely out of character, but they sound so, so, so good. like the week i found this album it was pretty much all i listened to. it's that cute/good/wonderful/perfect/flawless.
in between the tracks there are these weird backwards hissing sounds that only last like a second or two. weird, but it really makes the whole thing feel like some sort of weird children's saturday morning cartoon show (not that that's how they do it in glorious nippon, but you know what i'm getting at). this is the soundtrack to my ideal childhood. when i finally finish my time machine (school is really getting in the way . . . ) i plan to only have this album (and their other albums, sure) on repeat the entire time i am reliving my precious early years. yep. for sure that will actually work. :3 WE CAN ALL HAVE 1990S WACKY J-POP INSPIRED DREAMS (even you, if you listen to this album now).
1. 10cmの鯨
2. 僕らのE・W
4. -
5. message・song
6. クリスタル・パパ
7. -
9. -
10. 二年生
11. -
12. 猿のワックス