Alternative Garnet was G-Schmitt's 1988 album that they put out under legendary post-punk label Wechselbalg Syndicate. this album (their second, after
Sin, Secret, & Desire) is a masterpiece. it has a much more goth oriented feel than
Sin, Secret & Desire (which was included in the previously posted
Struggle To Survive (a compilation of their first album, plus
Modern Gypsies, as well as some other tracks) with better production, as well.
i'm actually not too wild about the first tracks. they're good, yes, but they don't compare to the later tracks. track three is where things start to get really good. gentle synths and acoustic guitars, as well as oddly placed saxophones fill this track, but the most important part about this track is the penetrating rhythm guitar during the verses. the only thing that can compare to this is the beautiful descending riff during the chorus. so fucking catchy.
my next favorite track is track five, "Es". the almost hip-hop-esque mechanical hand-claps first turned me off, but once Syoko begins to sing (with her lusciously sultry voice) everything comes into place. for the most part this track stays low-key, low and murmuring. however, the beautiful tinkling synths (that remind me of the
となりのトトロ soundtrack, actually) give an odd feel to the song.
my next favorite track is "Cathedral Junky". a really catchy piece, very sexy sounding. the best part about this is the mindblowing ascending vocal build-up in the chorus. that's one of my favorite things about Syoko's voice; the way it builds to a climax and blooms like a rose. there is no other vocalist in the post-punk or goth scene that can compare to her.
1. Balsam (樹木礼讃)
2. Future Daze
3. Coda [II] (The Ark)
4. Isis (The Darkness)
5. Es
6. Le Paradis
7. Cathedral Junky
8. Obsession Obscure
9. Icaros Descending [II]