
野路由紀子 - 北信濃絶唱

野路由紀子 was an enka singer from the 1970s. enka is forever a genre that i will find to be particularly spooky. something about it just sends chills up and down my spine, particularly when it's done well (like on this record). it's hard to say there are really any standout tracks on this album, but overall the album is really fantastic. perhaps the standout for me, if i had to pick one, would be track eight. there's something really weird about it that i love the shit out of. it might be the creepy saxophone, and something about the filter on her voice is just really strange to me. 1.北信濃絶唱 2.北国慕情 3.ふるさとは遠いけど 4.小っちゃな恋の思い出 5.初恋は京都のひと 6.さざんかの花咲く頃 7.下町育ち 8.他人船 9.北上夜曲 10.長崎の夜はむらさき 11.北帰行 12.由紀子のふるさと日記 ENJOY


  1. Enka is something that grew on me over time. I first heard it being belted out as karaoke by drunken old men in bars in Osaka. It wasn't until I had lived in Japan for a while that it really started to sink in. There is little grey area with the genre. Its either excellent or painfully bad. Looking forward to checking this album out.

  2. Enka is the soul of Japan: sadness and beauty of a moment in a short life, like ukiyo-e and other form of japanese art.
    Thanks and more of this please!

  3. after a long time i found your blog again
    i always loved your reviews and of course the most diverse and obscure music you find

    it was such a happy surprise to recognize 北上夜曲 while listening to this album i downloaded from you since lately i've been listening to this particular song a lot

  4. This is awesome and you are awesome.

    Btw, any chance of sharing Velvet Endroit's "Dogmatism"? I've heard VERY good things about it.

  5. eeeh i've been following your blog for maybe a year already but the comments function didn't work on firefox and i couldn't be bothered to try to comment using IE until today

    anyways i fucking love your blog with a passion and i enjoy almost every single album you upload and your wonderful reviews on them

    just so you know. hope you be back soon

  6. Hope U R OK? - Have really enjoyed the artists U have exposed me 2 - do not think I would have been exposed 2 these artists otherwise in my part of the world - Have actually now been able 2 communicate 2 a few people about these artists & found a few of thier recordings locally, Thank You & hope 2 hear from U again!

  7. what has happened? you havent posted anything in more than a year now
