池玲子 was, in her time, a sex goddess. she was famous for starring in pink films that doubled as action flicks (known as "pinky violence"). she starred in quite a few of them, too. these films often had strong S&M themes to them, with the women playing the parts of violent yakuza members who murdered each other in cold blood.
this album is, for the most part, simply audio pornography; she sucks in her breath, pants, moans, grunts, wimpers, cries, winces; she makes every noise a pornographic diva can make. but, there's also this really strange growling/gurgling/purring sound rumbling around under about half of the tracks. it sounds like a distorted human voice, or something, but i'm not sure if it's supposed to be sexy or not. basically, it just sounds gross. i can't really argue for the artistic merits of this particular album, as they don't exist. it's trashy, trashy, trashy. a bit slimy, in fact. which is unfortunate, because she doesn't have a bad voice. i quite enjoy it, in fact. but, still: it's no moving work of art. it's audio porn. and yet . . . it's completely disturbing. you really must listen to it to fully understand. it makes me feel completely uncomfortable (and not because of the sex sounds). the creepy, lurking flutes and drugged piano tinkling, combined with the lethargic guitar strumming gives the album a filthy, unclean feeling.

1. 女はそれをがまんできない
2. よこはま たそがれ
3. めまい
4. 雨がやんだら
5. 夜明けのスキャット
6. さすらいのギター
7. 私という女
8. 雨の日のブルース
9. 恋の奴隷
10. 経験
11. 天使になれない
12. 愛のきずな