

ZELDA was an all girl rock band. curiously, they got into the Guinness Book of Records for being the longest lasting all girl rock band to ever exist. a very admirable achievement, i guess.

this is a truly beautiful album. it reminds me of After Dinner (the operatic wailing on 私の楽団(オーケストラ) is very reminiscent of the live performance of "After Dinner"), or perhaps Togawa Jun, whose wailing opera voice is what made her famous (though, the music doesn't sound much like Togawa's music).

really beautiful, jazzy music that has become one of my favorites ever since i discovered them over at Female Trouble.

1. うめたて (this track appears to be missing.)
2. 私の楽団(オーケストラ)
3. サラブレッド~ソナタII
4. アー・ユー・“ラッキー”?~ラッキー少年のうた
5. スローターハウス
6. 天鵞絨(ビロード)の島
7. セイレーン
8. 東京タワー
9. Z-JA-Z
10. 遊糸飛行


(ps. if you want a hint about who my new account is on last.fm, just look for a user who has AMPPEZ and Zelda as top artists. but don't say "OH HEY, IS THIS YOUNGHATE'S NEW ACCOUNT? just add me. be cool.)


  1. This is great. The first track seems to be missing by the way.

  2. yes, that's right. blame Female Trouble, not me. hahaha.
