
藤真利子 - 狂躁曲

this album by the actress 藤真利子 is incredibly fucking cool. it's not terribly weird or experimental (as the album cover would seem to suggest), but it's very . . . dunno, i guess it's similar to something like 原みゆき's ; it's weird and refreshing, but only upon a second or third listen do you realize this. for example, early on in the album the fact that she uses more traditional post-enka singing style seems to make it seem more normal. though, once you go back through you start to really notice all the completely strange production techniques going on here, and the wide array of different instruments that are being put to use.

i guess my favorite part about this album is the excellent production. it's constantly refreshing, and some of the tracks take a couple listens to really understand how complex they are. it sounds like walking through a jungle, and hearing snakes hiss and parrots caw in the distance while a butterfly with spotted wings perches on your hand.

anyways, i've been really enjoying this a lot lately, so grab it. i'm sure you'll enjoy it.

1. 薔薇
2. 花がたみ
3. 花まみれのおまえに
4. 真利子うらみうた
5. 野ざらし百鬼行
6. 折鶴秘唱
7. 雪
8. それがどうしたの
9. どんな春が
10. メルヘン
11. 鬼狂言
12. 危険な眠り
13. 裸足の伯爵夫人
14. Gemini VS Capricorn
15. 雪だより
16. シーズンオフの心には



  1. This is awesome. Stand out. It may not be weird or experimental but I'd say it's original. It's definitely it's own thing, but what really matters is that it's really fucking good. I'd love to hear more by her! Thanks.

  2. Hey this is wonderful. And it's true is meant to be carefully listened to, it's full of details. I think here you can see both sides of the cover: front and rear. Maybe that gives a more accurate idea of the mix blend between enka and VK flavors:



  3. Thank you for sharing this fantastic album—I've had it on repeat since I downloaded it. I went hunting for more info, and it turns out that the lyrics to Hanagatami and Orizuruhiuta were written by none other than Shuji Terayama. One more reason to love this record!
