Lovely Songs was the second album by idol-pop singer 柏原芳恵. while she's not my favorite idol-pop singer, (even by a long shot) her voice is absolutely seductive. i also think the production of her songs on this album is practically perfect in every way. this is certainly an album i would suggest to anyone just getting into idol-pop. it's gentle and cute, and "lovey dovey". not much to it, really, but it's so much fun to listen to.
1. ファ-スト・メモリー
2. フィフティー ン・ラブ
3. ショート・ストーリー
4. 私のミュージシャン
5. ガラスの夏
6. 夏は危険信号
7. 未来飛行
8. あなたのリトル・ハーフ
9. サマー・ヴァケイション
10. P.S.S.=心の追伸
Hey do you have more 柏原芳恵 albums ???????If yes send me to