
美川憲一 - 人生はシネマのように / La vie, c'est comme un film

美川憲一 was a popular enka singer in the 1960s. his career went into decline for a while, but later received a boost in popularity after a dramatic image change. this album is one of his more recent albums. the songs here are absolutely lovely.

the music fluctuates between tango and enka, which is always a very strange transition (from upbeat and sexy, to somber/melodramatic), but it works very well. i think my personal favorite track would have to be "貴婦人 / Drouot" or "サンジャンの私の恋人 / Mon amant de Saint-Jean".

he has had quite a successful (i assume) career as a celebrity. he appears on talk-shows every now and then, but i fear they might only invite him because he's a comical homosexual. yes, that's right; glorious nippon is just as bigoted towards homosexuals in their media as america is. he is there as comic relief at worst, or an exotic bird at best. he may very well be aware of this.

regardless, the music is great.

1. Ouverture~人生はシネマのように~ / La vie, c'est comme un film
2. サンジャンの私の恋人 / Mon amant de Saint-Jean
3. 黒い鷲 / L'aigle noir dedie a laurence
4. 貴婦人 / Drouot
5. 愛遥かに / Da troppo tempo
6. インシャラー / Inch'allah
7. 時は過ぎてゆく / Il est trop tard
8. モンパルナス / Montparnasse
9. 三日月よ私とワルツを踊れ
10. 水に流して / Non, je ne regrette rien
11. 明日(あした)への橋 / Le pont


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